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Week 6 - 2021

Hello, Enrichment families!

Hello, everyone! It’s so hard to believe we are already in our final week. This summer has flown by. Thank you for making it such a success!

A few last-minute notes and reminders, and details about this week’s schedule:

  • Our annual Tricky Tray fundraiser will take place on performance nights. We collect various donated items between $5 and $10 from families to raffle at the end of each performance night. You can continue to bring items throughout the week!

  • We will also be introducing a new game on performance nights for fundraising purposes! We hope you will join in!

  • Please continue to have your student work on lines. The more they practice, the more confident they will feel on stage!

  • The official winner of the Penny Wars was Mid-High! As their reward, they get to throw water balloons at staff at the end of their session on Monday!


Thursday, August 5th (Reminder: Mid-High does not meet this day)

  • Elementary students will participate in a dress rehearsal during their normal session hours on Thursday, 10:00-12:00. Please bring them already in costume. They can report directly to their classrooms.

  • Elementary students and classroom volunteers should report back to the school and their classrooms at 6:40 to prepare for their shows. Again, they should arrive in costume.

  • Performance will begin in the Millennium Middle School Cafetorium (7th/8th grade wing) at 7:00PM. Admission is free! Invite family and friends.


Friday, August 6th

  • There is no program for Middle School on Thursday, August 5th. That day is dedicated to our Elementary performance. You and your student(s) are more than welcome to come watch the elementary kids perform at 7:00PM!

  • Students will have a dress rehearsal the morning of August 6th, from 9:30AM-1:00PM. Please have them arrive in their first costume and ready to roll. They should report to their “group spaces” or “holding tanks” when they arrive. These meeting places are as follows:

    • Group A (“iCarly” and “Goosebumps”): Band Room

    • Group B (“Drake and Josh” and “Victorious”): Choir Room

    • Group C (“Zoey 101” and “Back in Avatar”): Choir Room

  • Lunch must be packed for dress rehearsal. Students will not be allowed to leave campus or order in for lunch that day, as it will be a “working” lunch and time is limited.

  • Students should report back to the school at 6:30 to prepare for their performance. Once more, they should report to their group space.

  • Performance will begin in the Millennium Middle School Cafetorium (7th/8th grade wing) at 7:00PM. Admission is free! Invite family and friends.


We are a nonprofit organization, which means all profits go directly back into the program to fund our activities from one summer to the next. Your participation is important and appreciated!

Penny Drive

Mid-High turned the Penny Drive around last week and eked out a win!

Elementary’s Final Points: - $124.11

Mid-High’s Final Points: - $51.45

Thank you all for the participation! Mid-High will be throwing water balloons at staff tomorrow, 8/2!

Pampered Chef

Local Pampered Chef consultant, Maureen Kimmel, has graciously offered to host an online party for our organization! 25% of all profits will go directly back into the Program.

Ends Saturday, 8/7 at 11:59PM.

You can shop at our official event link here.

Tricky Tray

Our annual Tricky Tray fundraiser will take place on performance nights. We collect various donated items between $5 and $10 from families to raffle at the end of each performance night.

We will continue to allow advance ticket sales in cash this week! Please let your students know that they may purchase tickets before and after their sessions. Prices are as follows:

· $0.50 per single ticket · $10 per 25 ticket bundle

Remember, we will accept new prizes all week!


We ask you to please be mindful of our start/end times. Staff has responsibilities to attend to both before and after each session, including second jobs they must report to right at 4:00PM.

That said, we understand that it can be difficult to juggle overlapping schedules. If you have a standing conflict, please let us know so we can try to work something out that does not impede anyone else’s existing obligations.


Monday, August 2nd: Penny Drive Prize for Mid-High

Thursday, August 5th - Elementary Dress Rehearsal: No program for Middle School. Elementary dress rehearsal will take place 10:00AM-12:00PM. Please have your students arrive in costume and report to their classrooms.

Thursday, August 5th - Elementary Performance: The final performance will be held at 7:00PM in the MMS Cafetorium (7th/8th Grade Wing). Students are asked to arrive and report to their usual classrooms at 6:40, already in costume.

Please note: there is no admission fee for the shows! Coming to watch is completely free. Please invite friends and family to join the fun!

Thursday, August 5th – Tricky Tray Night 1: Join us after the show for our Tricky Tray raffle!

Friday, August 6th - Mid-High Dress Rehearsal: Mid-High dress rehearsal will be held from 9:30AM-1:00PM. Please have your students arrive in their first costume and report to their holding tanks (specified above). We will have a short lunch at 12:00, but we will not allow students to leave campus or order food that day as our time will be limited. Please have them pack a lunch.

Friday, August 6th - Mid-High Performance: The final performance will be held at 7:00PM in the MMS Cafetorium (7th/8th Grade Wing). Students are asked to arrive and report to their specified holding tanks at 6:30, already in their first costume.

Please note: there is no admission fee for the shows! Coming to watch is completely free. Please invite friends and family to join the fun!

Friday, August 6th – Tricky Tray Night 2: Join us after the show for our Tricky Tray raffle!

Saturday, August 7th: Pampered Chef fundraiser ends at 11:59PM



Jenny Cort - Program Coordinator (

Marcie Kryka - Program Director (

Program Staff

Joey Abate (Elementary)

Ayana Ihara (Elementary)

Ben Machesky (Elementary & Mid-High; Theatre 101)

Grace Mosher (Mid-High; Music)

Ethan Ponsock (Elementary & Mid-High; Sign Language)

Cooper Schultz (Elementary & Mid-High; Theatre 101)

Miranda Stepchuk (Elementary & Mid-High; Dance)

Jake Werner (Elementary & Mid-High; Music)

Hannah Willett (Elementary & Mid-High; Music)

You can find more information about our amazing staff at the following links:

If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to email me at this address any time.

Thank you for your cooperation, and break a leg this week!

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Penny Drive

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