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Summer Enrichment - Week 3 (2024)

Updated: Jul 14, 2024

Hi there! I hope everyone had a great holiday!


Here are all your Week 3 details. Please remember that I will be converting to posting all weekly updates on our blog. Please subscribe if you haven’t already, and you will receive email notifications when new posts are made!


This newsletter is separated into the following categories: 


  • About Week 3

  • Scripts

  • T-Shirts

  • Fundraisers

  • Theme Thursdays (Elementary)

  • Important Notes

  • Important Dates

  • Important Links

  • Important Names


Thank you!




  • Events:

    • T. 7/11: Elementary Scripts available to download by late PM (link locations in “Scripts” section)

    • T. 7/11: Mid-High Scripts available to download by late PM (link locations in “Scripts” section)

    • Ongoing: Penny Drive (ends Week 5)

  • What staff is working on:

    • Scripts are being finalized this week!

  • What I’m working on:

    • Our t-shirt order is in! I will keep everyone updated on an estimated turnaround date.

    • This week I will be taking class/group/staff pictures and starting to work on our digital playbill for the performance.

    • I will begin contacting businesses about donating for our Tricky Tray fundraiser


Scripts will be live to download and print here early AM Tuesday, July 9th (Mid-High) and early AM Wednesday, July 10th (Elementary) – so please be sure to print them in the morning before your session! We will also post a QR code at the school for students to access on their devices.

Due to our limited access to facility equipment such as printers and copiers, this year we will be administering all scripts via Google Docs. Please have your students print these at home and bring them in every day to practice! If you have any difficulties opening the documents or do not have access to a printer, please let us know and we will be more than happy to provide further guidance.

Scripts will be separated into two folders: one for Elementary, and one for Mid-High. All students will be responsible for one script each this year. Please keep in mind that volunteers should also print a copy of the script for all groups/sessions they are a part of. They may have a small role in the show or need a script to help others practice lines.

If you are unsure of which scripts your child(ren) need(s) to download when the time comes, please feel free to email me and I will direct you to the correct shows.

We are also planning to upload lyrics for music and sign language to these folders.

As of now, we plan to have scripts available to download and print on the mornings of Tuesday, July 9th for Mid-High, and Wednesday, July 10th for Elementary. I will continue to keep you apprised if this estimate changes.


Everyone receives a t-shirt at no additional cost for their registered session. Volunteers will also receive t-shirts for their sessions as well. The order was submitted on Monday 7/1! Typical turnaround means they should be ready end of Week 3 or early Week 4.


Elementary will be Mint Green. Mid-High will be Gold.


Car Wash

Our Car Wash is taking place this Friday, July 12th, 10:00-1:00 in the Dairy Queen parking lot. If your student is an 8th or 9th grader, they will be invited to volunteer to work with staff that day. All high school and college volunteers are welcome to join as well. I will send permission slips home this week.

I am also including the flyer. Feel free to post to social media and share with family and friends!


Our Aubree’s fundraiser will take place on Tuesday, July 23rd, 11:00AM - 10:00PM. The format change from last year still applies! You can now order anything on the menu and have 20% of your bill donated directly to Summer Enrichment as long as you bring a paper copy of the red and white Dine to Donate Flyer.

The management and wait staff at the restaurant require families to provide at least one paper copy of the flyer per bill to assist them in record-keeping. I am attaching the official restaurant flyer. Please note that we are not allowed to pass out flyers at the restaurant, so be sure to share with family and friends in advance!

Penny Drive

Current Standings:

Elementary:  - $1.32  (Leading)

Mid-High:  - $22.25

The final day of the Penny Drive will be Tuesday, 7/23. The winning team will receive their prize on Thursday, 7/25!

For those who need a refresher, the Penny Drive works as follows:

We will have one collection for Elementary, and one collection for Mid-High. Donated pennies will be counted as "positive" points towards the session in which they are enrolled. However, any silver (nickels, dimes, quarters, half dollars, etc.) or cash can be used to put into the opposing session's collection to make their points NEGATIVE!

For example, if 2nd grader Bobby brings in 50 pennies for his Elementary collection, but 7th grader Molly brings in two quarters (50 cents) to put into the Elementary collection, the Elementary points go back to "0". This is a fun and competitive way to raise money that goes right back into the program. The winning team will win a prize at the end of the summer, the plans for which are still underway!

The final day of the Penny Drive will be Tuesday, 7/23. The winning team will receive their prize on Thursday, 7/25!

Tricky Tray

Our annual Tricky Tray fundraiser will take place on performance nights. We collect various donated items between $5 and $10 from families to raffle at the end of each performance night.

You can begin sending your students with these items at any time! We will collect through the final week.

We will be searching for parents to help with asking for donations from local businesses (most businesses have worked with us in the past and look forward to participating) and selling tickets before and after the performances. Please let us know if you’d be interested in lending a hand in this task.

We are a nonprofit organization, which means all profits go directly back into the program to fund our activities from one summer to the next. Your participation is important and appreciated!



Thursday, June 27th: Class Color Day

*Tuesday, July 2nd: Pajama Day

Thursday, July 11th: Favorite Fictional Character Day

Thursday, July 18th: Crazy Hair/Hat Day

Thursday, July 25th: Dapper Day

* We will do Week 2’s theme on a Tuesday,

as we will not be meeting on the 3rd or 4th of July


  • Please remind your students to adhere to standard school dress code. We also ask that all students wear close-toed shoes. We will be having games and activities that involve extensive movement (cardio and dance, for example), and close-toed shoes are the safest option to avoid any potential injuries.

  • Please also note that it is important to let your student’s teachers know about scheduled absences. If they need to miss some time due to illness or emergency, this is no problem! (And there is no need to “call them in” absent in these cases.) But if they will be absent for an extended period of time for camp, vacation, etc., having advance notice helps our staff prepare activities accordingly. If you included these dates in your registration already, I have those records and you do not need to inform us again.

  • If you would like to volunteer in any way, please let us know! We are asking for parents to help visit businesses in the South Lyon area, and sell Tricky Tray tickets on performance nights. We would love and appreciate any help you are able to provide, and your dedication contributes to the longevity of our program!

  • If you know of any additional fundraising opportunities, please let us know!


Tuesday, July 9th Early AM: Mid-High Scripts go live to download/print on our Google Drive folder, which you can access here.  


Wednesday, July 10th Early AM: Elementary Scripts go live to download/print on our Google Drive folder, which you can access here.  

Thursday, July 11th: Anti-Bullying Discussion Circle in Mid-High

Friday, July 12th: Car Wash Fundraiser in the Dairy Queen parking lot (10:00AM-1:00PM)

Tuesday, July 23rd: Last day for Penny Drive!

Tuesday, July 23rd: Aubree’s Fundraiser (11AM-10PM)

Thursday, July 25th: Penny Drive winner prize day!

Thursday, August 1st - Elementary Performance: No program for Middle School. Elementary dress rehearsal will take place 10:00AM-12:00PM, and our final performance will be held at 7:00PM in the Dolsen Gymtorium. Please note that students will be asked to arrive early in order to prepare for their shows. This typically means between 6:30-6:45. We will keep you apprised with an exact time as we get closer. Please note: there is no admission fee for the shows! Coming to watch is completely free. Please invite friends and family to join the fun!

Friday, August 2nd - Mid-High Performance: Mid-High dress rehearsal will be held from 9:30AM-1:00PM, and our final performance will be held at 7:00PM in the Dolsen Gymtorium. Please note that students will be asked to arrive early in order to prepare for their shows. This typically means between 6:30-6:45. We will keep you apprised with an exact time as we get closer. Please note: there is no admission fee for the shows! Coming to watch is completely free. Please invite friends and family to join the fun!



You can read full staff bios on our website.

If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact me (Marcie):

(734) 730-4441 (text preferred)

Thank you everyone! See you tomorrow!

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Penny Drive

Elementary won the Penny Wars by $20! Tomorrow they will get to decorate t-shirts for the staff to wear Monday. Thank you all!


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