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Mid-High - Week 1

Dear Families,

Thank you so much for choosing the Summer Enrichment Program for your student this summer, and for a fantastic first day yesterday! We are excited to have you on board!

I’d like to bring your attention to some notes and reminders that will help things run smoothly this summer.

· The Mid-High program starts at 1:00PM and ends at 4:00PM. Please be considerate of this schedule. Our staff members have responsibilities to attend to before and after each session. Your students may walk into the building and report directly to the auditorium/theater at 1:00, and will be walked out to the parking lot by staff at 4:00.

· If you are a parent of a middle or high school volunteer, please remember that they may have some forms they need you to fill out and sign for them. This may include a T-shirt order form, lunch permission slip, car wash permission slip, or registration documentation. Please do this at your earliest convenience!

o Registration/Volunteer Documentation: If you have not filled out the appropriate registration paperwork yet, please do so. This documentation is necessary for our record-keeping.

o Lunch Permission Slip: Students are now required to have an official permission slip on file if they want to leave campus for lunch. This form can be found on our website and Facebook page if they do not have a copy at home.

o Car Wash Permission Slip: 9th Grade students and older have been invited to participate as helpers in our car wash on Saturday. They were given physical permission slips to bring home. Please fill out this form and return on or before Saturday.

o T-Shirt Order Form: If your student has opted to purchase the T-Shirt for the Elementary Program (in which they volunteer), the $5 payment is due on Tuesday, July 2nd.

- If you have a high school volunteer (10th grade and older), they may purchase one shirt for $5, or both shirts for $8, even if they only participate in one session.

- Please note, if they are enrolled in the Mid-High Program, they will automatically receive the Mid-High T-Shirt—this was included in your registration fee.

- The $5 is specifically for receiving the second (different color) shirt for volunteering in the Elementary program.

- If you have additional questions related to this topic, please feel free to email me.

· Please remind your students to adhere to standard school dress code. We also ask that all students wear close-toed shoes. We will be having games and activities that involve extensive movement (cardio and dance, for example), and close-toed shoes are the safest option to avoid any potential injuries.

· Our theme this summer is Reality Shows. Students will spend this summer rehearsing and preparing skits inspired by this theme, a choral song, a choreographed dance, and two American Sign Language songs. These talents will be showcased during our final performance on Friday, August 2nd, at 7:00PM, located in the South Lyon High School Auditorium. Admission is free! Please invite family, friends, and neighbors to attend!

· Please also note that it is important to let your student’s teachers know about scheduled absences. If they need to miss some time due to illness or emergency, this is no problem! But if they will be absent for an extended period of time for camp, vacation, etc., having advance notice helps our staff prepare activities accordingly.

· Our Penny Drive Fundraiser has begun! If you're unfamiliar with the mechanics, here are some details:

o What it is: The Penny Drive competition between Elementary and Mid-High is a fantastic fundraiser for the program! We are a nonprofit organization, so all fundraiser proceeds are used specifically for program funding! If your student has spare coins or cash to bring in, encourage them to do so. Perhaps you can even talk them into doing some chores to earn more ;-)

o How it works: We will have one collection for Elementary, and one collection for Mid-High. Donated pennies will be counted as "positive" points towards the session in which they are enrolled. However, any silver (nickels, dimes, quarters, half dollars, etc.) or cash can be used to put into the opposing session's collection to make their points NEGATIVE!

o The winning team will win a prize at the end of the summer, the plans for which are still underway!

· Our Car Wash fundraiser is this weekend! Saturday, 6/29 10:00-1:00 in the DQ parking lot. Only older students (9th Grade+) have been invited to participate as helpers, but everyone is welcome to come visit for a car wash!

· Alexandria’s Nature Bus is coming to visit our Elementary students and morning volunteers on Monday, 7/2! More information available here. If you do not want your student to participate, no worries! They may stay home that day.

· Our Aubree’s fundraiser will be on Tuesday, July 9th 5:00-8:00PM. In order to participate, a physical fundraiser flyer must be given to your wait staff the day/time of the event (these will be handed and emailed out when we get closer.) For every $15 buffet meal ordered when you present your flyer, $5 will go back to the program!

· Our annual Tricky Tray fundraiser will take place on performance nights. We collect various donated items between $5 and $10 from families to raffle at the end of each performance night. We will be searching for parents to help with asking for donations from local businesses (most businesses have worked with us in the past and look forward to participating). Please let us know if you’d be interested in lending a hand in this task.

· If you would like to volunteer in any way, please let us know! We are asking for parents to help visit businesses in the South Lyon Area, and sell Tricky Tray tickets on performance nights. We would love and appreciate any help you are able to provide, and your dedication contributes to the longevity of our program!

· If you know of any additional fundraising opportunities, please let us know!


Saturday, June 29th: Car Wash Fundraiser in the Dairy Queen Parking Lot (10:00AM-1:00PM). Only older students (9th Grade+) have been invited to participate as helpers, but everyone is welcome to come visit for a car wash!

Monday, July 1st: Alexandria’s Nature Bus is coming to visit our Elementary students and morning volunteers! More information available here. If you do not want your student to participate, no worries! They may stay home that day.

Wednesday, July 3rd & Thursday, July 4th: No Program. Enjoy your holiday!

Tuesday, July 9th: Aubree’s Fundraiser (5:00-8:00PM). In order to participate, a physical fundraiser flyer must be given to your wait staff the day/time of the event (these will be handed and emailed out when we get closer.) For every $15 buffet meal ordered when you present your flyer, $5 will go back to the program!

Thursday, August 1st - Elementary Performance: No program for Middle School. Elementary dress rehearsal will take place 10:00AM-12:00PM, and our final performance will be held at 7:00PM. Please note that students will be asked to arrive early in order to prepare for their shows. This typically means between 6:30-6:45. We will keep you apprised with an exact time as we get closer. Please note: there is no admission fee for the shows! Coming to watch is completely free. Please invite friends and family to join the fun!

Friday, August 2nd - Mid-High Performance: Mid-High dress rehearsal will be held from 9:30AM-1:00PM, and our final performance will be held at 7:00PM. Please note that students will be asked to arrive early in order to prepare for their shows. This typically means between 6:30-6:45. We will keep you apprised with an exact time as we get closer. Please note: there is no admission fee for the shows! Coming to watch is completely free. Please invite friends and family to join the fun!

Important Links

Important Names

Jenny Cort - Program Coordinator (

Marcie Kryka - Program Director (

Program Staff

Jack Barshaw

Eric DeBono

Nina Morales

Cooper Schultz

Abigail Smathers

Sydney Timmer

Ava Unti

Jake Werner

If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to email me at this address any time.

We are so excited to have you with us for the next six weeks. We hope you are ready for a great summer!

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