Hello, families! ANNOUNCEMENTS T-Shirts should be ready soon! Please stay tuned for pick-up instructions. Please help with our Tricky Tray fundraiser! We are a nonprofit organization, which means we use registration fees and fundraisers to directly fund the program. Fundraisers, especially, are integral to our ability to continue operations. Our Program Coordinator, Jenny Cort, will be heading up this project. Here is a message from her: Hello everyone! Even though we’re virtual, we’re going to be doing our annual Tricky Tray fundraiser! It’ll be an online raffle with no contact prize pick up. More details will be sent soon but for right now, we’re looking for raffle donations. As in previous years, we’re asking for new items $10 and below for any age level or interest. If you’d like to donate or have friends and family that would like to donate, you can send/drop off prize items at 434 West Lake Street in South Lyon. Please plan to drop off items during “business hours” (Monday through Friday, 9:00-5:00) or contact Jenny via email if you need to make different arrangements. We will also begin working on our virtual skits this week! Students will receive their scripts via Google Docs. I will put out an email tomorrow about how to access these. Please also note that I have added details to each “Skit Time” event on the Tockify calendar. Your students don’t need to worry about this yet, but as they adjust to the Practice Rooms, they can begin meeting in their assigned room at the start of skit time. I will also include a PDF of these group splits below. WEEK 4 SCHEDULE This schedule can be viewed in full on our Tockify calendar. You can click on event listings to see the classroom links (also seen in the chart below). There is even an option to subscribe and sync with your main calendar! You can also search specifically for “Elementary” or “Mid-High”. Volunteers who are also registered for the Mid-High session should plan to attend Elementary events as well (you can also search for “Volunteers”.) Elementary students will have the majority of their activities between 10:00AM and 12:00PM Monday-Wednesday. Please note they will have longer days on Thursdays for shared group activities. Non-volunteer Mid-High students will have most of their activities between 12:30PM and 2:45PM on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday. Please note they will have longer days on Wednesdays for shared group activities. Volunteer Mid-High students should expect to attend all of these events. The Tockify calendar and Classroom links are also available on our website. Feel free to contact me if you have trouble. Thank you! Week 4 Schedule Snapshot With Classrooms
Week 4 Schedule: Elementary
Week 4 Schedule: Mid-High
Practice Schedule With Classrooms
All Classrooms & Passwords (Provided via private email only)
Important Dates
Monday, June 22nd: Our first day!
Wednesday, July 1st & Thursday, July 2nd: No Program. Enjoy your holiday!
Tuesday, July 28th: The final day for Tricky Tray prize drop off!
Thursday, July 30th: This is our last program day!
Friday, July 31st: This is our tentative date for a live watch party of the final performance footage put together by our students this year. This date may be subject to change depending on staff availability to assist in video editing. Stay tuned for details!
Important Links
Summer Enrichment Website
Summer Enrichment News/Announcements Blog
Summer Enrichment - Donate
Summer 2020 Program Calendar via Tockify
Summer 2020 Online Classrooms
Summer 2020 Online Schedule
South Lyon Area Youth Assistance
Summer Enrichment Facebook Group
Summer Enrichment Instagram
Important Names
Jenny Cort - Program Coordinator (admin@slsummerenrichment.org)
Marcie Kryka - Program Director (director@slsummerenrichment.org)
Program Staff
Henry Berardelli
Eric DeBono
Ben Machesky
Ethan Ponsock
Cooper Schultz
Miranda Stepchuk
Jake Werner
Hannah Willett
If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to email me, text me, or call me (please leave a voicemail!) any time.